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Guide to establishing first contact

Learn ancient symbols from Sirius that will expand your consciousness to more clearly perceive our multidimensional universe, and in so doing allow you to make telepathic contact with other peaceful extraterrestrial civilisations.

Transformative Shifting

Connect to your higher-self/mind

Achieve greater synchronicity and abundance in your life by enhancing the connection between your physical mind and higher mind through the practice of the "transformative shifting" meditation. See positive results in 30 to 90 days!

Earth Chakras & Vortices

Breakthrough the veil

Just like the human body, the Earth also has chakra points and vortices. These areas are gateways and distributors of electromagnetheric energy. Spiritual enlightenment may be easier to attain in such areas as the veil is thinner there.

Mechanics of Channeling

Physics behind channeling

This diagram was provided by Bashar and explains how the phenomenon of channeling occurs in a mechanical and physics-based style. Information is filtered through the collective consensus, into the higher-mind, and then the physical mind.

Frequencies Of Consciousness

Compilation of frequencies mentioned by Bashar

Did you know that consciousness itself has a frequency? A vibration? As we become more spiritually developed, the vibratory rate of our "soul" or consciousness will increase. Frequencies above 144,000 Hz are conducive to ET contact.

UFO Witness Declaration

Declaration for ET/UFO experiencers

Have you personally witnessed a UFO or ET spacecraft? Have ETs physically or astrally paid you a visit? Make it official with the UFO Witness Declaration, a solemn and serious document declaring the reality and authenticity of your experience.

Protocols Of First Contact

Interstellar Alliance

The Ssassani are members of the 'Interstellar Alliance'. The alliance regularly makes contact with cultures within this galaxy as well as in other dimensions. First contact is a carefully orchestrated process spanning many years of Earth time.

Camel and Pyramids
Camel and Pyramids
Acoustic Stone Levitation

Bruce Cathie

Tibetan Monks levitate stones by using an acoustic levitation technique with the aid of drums. We know from the priests of the far east that they were able to lift heavy boulders up high mountains with the help of groups of various sounds...

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